Minimal gauged super gravity download

Powerlaw cosmologies in minimal and maximal gauged supergravity article in journal of high energy physics 206 june 20 with 10 reads how we measure reads. A new class of black hole solutions of the five dimensional minimal gauged supergravity is presented. Dyonic ads black holes in maximal gauged supergravity. June 15, 2016 comments on supersymmetric solutions of minimal gauged supergravity in ve dimensions davide cassania, jakob lorenzenb, and dario martellib a sorbonne universit es upmc paris 06, umr 7589, lpthe, f75005, paris, france. We analyze the timelike supersymmetric solutions of minimal gauged 5dimensional supergravity for the case in which the k\ahler base manifold admits a holomorphic isometry and depends on two real. Hawking and unruh effects of a 5dimensional minimal gauged supergravity black hole by a global embedding approach. If the killing vector is timelike, the solutions are determined by the geometry of a two. On supersymmetric solutions of d 4 gauged supergravity. In this note we demonstrate that chaotic inflation can naturally be realized in the context of an anomaly free minimal gauged supergravity in d6 which has recently been the focus of some attention. Generalized attractor points in gauged supergravity core.

We construct a generalization of the ads charged rotating black holes with two equal magnitude angular momenta in fivedimensional minimal gauged supergravity. All purely bosonic supersymmetric solutions of minimal gauged supergravity in five dimensions are classified. All supersymmetric solutions of 3d u gauged supergravity. In addition to the mass, electric charge and angular momentum, the new solutions possess an extraparameter associated with a nonzero magnitude of the magnetic potential at infinity. We present two new classes of dyonic antide sitter black hole solutions of 4dimensional maximal n8, so8 gauged supergravity. Ifum763ft hepth0307022 all supersymmetric solutions of. The solutions fall into two classes depending on whether the killing vector. Citeseerx document details isaac councill, lee giles, pradeep teregowda. The smooth profiles connecting the asymptotics 10, 11 are constructed numerically, a typical example being shown in fig. Supersymmetric solutions of minimal gauged supergravity in. We classify all supersymmetric solutions of minimal gauged supergravity in four dimensions. Abstract we construct a new class of black hole solutions in fivedimensional einsteinmaxwellchernsimons theory with a negative cosmological constant.

If the killing vector is timelike, the solutions are determined by the geometry of a twodimensional basemanifold. Squashed, magnetized black holes in d 5 minimal gauged. Hawking and unruh effects of a 5dimensional minimal. All supersymmetric solutions of minimal gauged supergravity in five. So8 supergravity and the magic of machine learning springerlink. These black holes possess a horizon of spherical topology. Ads5 magnetized solutions in minimal gauged supergravity. For instance, for minimal 5d supergravity, powerful tech niques using killing. R 2 solution of minimal gauged supergravity was shown to arise as the nearhorizon geometry of magnetic black brane solutions at zero. Comments on supersymmetric solutions of minimal gauged.

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