Alaska maternal and child health data book 2011

Data suggest that the introduction of communitybased intervention packages. A collaboration of the alaska department of health and social services, division of public health, and the alaska native tribal health consortium, alaska native epidemiology center. Maternal and child health journal, volume 20, issue 4. Services administration, maternal and child health bureau. National survey of childrens health interactive data query. Indianalaska native aian public health surveillance data availability and. Prevalence of congenital microcephaly alaska, 20072014. We also are available to make presentations on specialized topics in maternal and child health tailored to your agencys needs. The maternal health and child bureau invites innovative ideas for lowcost, scalable, innovative solutions to prevention of child obesity, care coordination for children with special health care needs, remote pregnancy monitoring, and preventing opioid misuse in pregnant women and new moms. Look for the peristats logo on pages throughout the data book for policy makers. Health promotion n prenatal care, 2014 women who received early prenatal care 72. Maternal, child, and family health data book multnomah county. National survey of childrens health data resource center.

Behavioral risk factor surveillance survey, 2001 even more stunning is the. A collaboration of the alaska department of health and social services. Cdcs division of reproductive health drh monitors maternal and infant mortality, the most serious reproductive health complications. Cdc wonder, centers for disease control and prevention. May 01, 2015 the importance of breastfeeding for minority women. Only american indian and alaska native participants are included in this report. March of dimes foundation data book for policy makers. Omhrc knowledge center selected new acquisitions may 2011 1. Maternal death or maternal mortality is defined by the world health organization who as the death of a woman while pregnant or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy, irrespective of the duration and site of the pregnancy, from any cause related to or aggravated by the pregnancy or its management but not from accidental or incidental causes. Communitybased care to improve maternal, newborn, and child. The office of health disparities and health equity wishes to express its gratitude to the following individuals for. Maternal death or maternal mortality is defined by the world health organization who as the death of a woman while pregnant or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy, irrespective of the duration and. Women of color health data book, fourth edition, is the most uptodate resource informing health care providers and researchers in biomedicine and health policy about the unique health features of women.

Alaska native health status report, second edition. Infant mortality, birth rate, and more basic statistics in a variety of reports. Members of the public can use this tool to find countylevel data related to pregnancy and childbirth. The health and well being of american indian and alaska native children pdf 8 mb published. As a dyedinthewool environmental health practitioner, he helps bring new perspectives to the environmental health topics at the conference.

The share of children under age 18 who are at increased risk of a chronic physical, developmental, behavioral, or emotional condition, and who also require health and related services of. After making the selections, click on the search button. Data resource center for child and adolescent health, child and adolescent health. Choose the search criteria from any of the selections below. Data have also been used in grant applications to show gaps and needs. The mch epidemiology unit would be pleased to present the alaska maternal and child health data book in a 15minute presentation at your organizations next event. Established in 2003, the mission of the child and adolescent health measurement initiatives data resource center for child and adolescent health drc is to expedite and support effective use of. Ak maternal child health data book 2011 p95 12 more likely than a non alaska native to live in a village that is located more than 100 air or water miles from a hospital. Children with special health care needs kids count data. The alabama center for health statistics operates an online. Maternal and infant health reproductive health cdc. Today, the federal government and all states have a cabinet level agency dealing with social services and related programs. In 2011, 44% of students enrolled in the nsb school district were eligible for. The alaska native epidemiology center epicenter produces health reports that.

The national survey of childrens health nsch provides rich data on multiple, intersecting aspects of childrens livesincluding physical and mental health, access to quality health care, and the childs family, neighborhood, school, and social context. Standards for systems of care for children and youth with special health care needs version 2. Department of health and human services, health resources and services administration, maternal and child health bureau, national survey of. State public health autism resource center the state public health autism resource center spharc is a comprehensive resource center tor state title v agencies and others interested in improving.

Alaska maternal and child health mch data books provide alaskan health care providers, public health program managers, and policy makers with detailed. Two questions from cubs tooth decay and child height. Our purpose is to provide reliable data on maternal and child health issues for use in planning and evaluating programs. The data book looks at trends in child wellbeing based on four domains needed to thrive. Department of health sciences university of alaska anchorage. In november 2014, alaska voters approved an initiative legalizing recreational marijuana use. Jha a k, desroches c m, campbell e g, donelan k, rao s r. Hrsa issues 2011 report on the health status, health. Child health services research national institutes of health. Marijuana use among women delivering live births in alaska, 2002 2011. Child health usa 2011 health status 21 maternal and child. Since 200002, african americanblack and american indianalaska native youth have had the highest rates of death among groups with data. Asthma is a serious, chronic disease of the lungs that is caused by swelling inflammation in the airways.

National survey of childrens health 0 10 20 30% 2003 2007 201112 26. Home products and publications search products and publications publications advanced search publications search. The alaska oral health program has used cubs data since 2008 for reporting with the hrsa tohss grant and also for the maternal and child health block grant reports. The importance of breastfeeding for minority women. Users from the general public to policy makers, researchers, providers, and students will find the. Tribal epidemiology toolkit data sharing council of state and. Oregon center for health statistics preterm birth, by raceethnicity, oregon.

Chart books featuring data from both national surveys include. May 29, 2006 state of alaska maternal and child health data book, 2003 iqmik is a combination of tobacco and the ash of a tree fungus. The alabama center for health statistics operates an online database query tool. Cdcs division of reproductive health provides scientific leadership in the promotion of womens health and infant health before, during, and after pregnancy.

A collaboration of the alaska department of health and. Users from the general public to policy makers, researchers, providers, and students will find the site comprehensive and easy to use. Significant progress has been made in maternal, newborn, and child health mnch. This report provides an overview of the health status of alaska native people living in alaska statewide, as well as by tribal health regions. Akibis health indicator report important facts health. In addition, attention is focused on gathering data to better understand the extent of maternal and infant morbidity, adverse behaviors during pregnancy, and longterm consequences of pregnancy. Institute of medicine and national research council. Various mechanisms are available to facilitate datasharing with. We are excited to bring you the alaska maternal and child health data book 2011. The alaska maternal and child health data book is produced by the mch epidemiology unit of the section of womens, childrens, and family health in. Apr 09, 2020 child health usa is the health resources and services administrations annual report on the health status and service needs of americas children. Publications alaska native tribal health consortium. Children who live in unsafe communities kids count data. Marijuana use among women delivering live births in alaska, 20022011.

Community and federal collaboration to assess pregnancy. The fungus, called punk, forms knobby projections on certain trees that can be broken off. In addition, we work to reduce disease and death among mothers and babies, with special attention to reducing racial and ethnic differences in these health outcomes. Children who live in unsafe communities kids count data center. Alaska maternal and child health data book 2011 alaska native. Mdhhs michigan asthma surveillance, data and reports. This surveillance report demonstrates current trends in maternal and child health from 20142018 with data provided by utahs special supplemental nutrition program for women, infants, and children wic. Home products and publications search products and publications publications advanced search. Department of health and human services, health resources and services administration, maternal and child health bureau, national survey of childrens health. Chris has served on the board of directors for the alaska public health association since 2005, and chaired the environmental health track for the 2006 and 2007 alaska health summit conferences. In addition, attention is focused on gathering data to. Breastfeeding is beneficial to almost all mothers and infants, but the benefits may be significantly greater for minority women.

The proportion of very low birth weight infants has slowly climbed from just over 1 percent in 1980. Ak maternal child health data book 2011 p95 12 more likely than a nonalaska native to live in a village that is located more than 100 air or water miles from a hospital. The national survey of childrens health is funded and directed by the health resources and services administration hrsa maternal and child health bureau mchb. Omhrc knowledge center selected new acquisitions may 2011. Major birth defects data from populationbased birth defects surveillance programs in the united states, 20062010. The health resources and services administrations hrsa womens health usa 2011, the tenth edition of an annual data book identifying priorities, trends and disparities in womens health, is now available. This surveillance report demonstrates current trends in maternal and child health from 20142018 with data provided by utahs special supplemental nutrition program for women, infants, and children.

These problems had either not been recognized or were ignored until the postworld war ii period and the growth of the middle class. Child and adolescent health and health care quality. The statelevel data used here come from the national survey of childrens health nsch. The alaska native epidemiology center epicenter produces health reports that provide statewide and regional level data to tribal health organizations and other entities working to improve the health of alaska native people. The health and wellbeing of american indian and alaska native children pdf 8 mb published. Healthy start, a national initiative begun in 1991 by the health resources and services administration, maternal and child health bureau, is the largest of these programs. Oregon center for health statistics preterm birth, by raceethnicity, oregon, 2014. Alaskas mcdr staff consist of a program manager, epidemiologist, health. Child health usa is the health resources and services administrations annual report on the health status and service needs of americas children. The search results can be sorted by the search criteria section. The book is a compilation of secondary data for many health status indicators, and provides both graphical and textual summaries of data and addresses longterm trends. Child health usa 2011 health statusinfants 23 very low birth weight according to preliminary data, 1.

A collaboration of the alaska department of health and social. The health resources and services administration s hrsa womens health usa 2011, the tenth edition of an annual data book identifying priorities, trends and disparities in womens health, is now available. Samhda provides access to publicuse data files, restricteduse data files, and file documentation related to critical public health topics of. State data 2016 alaska continued n medicaid enrollees by select characteristics. United states maternal and child health bureau worldcat.

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